NEAT’s NOVO Connected solution is being installed and configured remotely to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease.

The coronavirus pandemic requires rapid and effective actions that help protect the health and safety of telecare users who represent one of the most vulnerable sectors of the population. Since the beginning of the restrictions across many Australian states in 2021 NOVO has offered village operators and their residents an initiative to install the telecare service remotely. Service providers are able to home-deliver reliable and safe telecare service without having to enter the user’s home.

The installation, configuration and monitoring of the devices is carried our remotely thanks to a powerful terminal management IoT platform developed by NEAT. The resident simply plugs the device into an electrical outlet and the installer, from a central office, ensures that the system is operational in a matter of minutes.

Installation is as simple as turning on a household appliance. And avoiding contact between the installer and the end user eliminates the risk of transmission of the COVID-19.

This NOVO plug & play scenario is helping to ensure that a large number of residents have a highly secure digital telecare system, which not only allows them to request help in an emergency, but also to feel supported even when they live alone, or are unable to have other visitors.

Contact Us

To discover how we can support you, the village operator, and your residents with remotely installed telecare. Fill out the form below, we’d love to hear from you: