Legrand Care Australia actively participated in the largest annual Retirement Living event NATIONAL RETIREMENT LIVING SUMMIT, showcasing the retirement living market as an outstanding answer to Australia’s most important demographic challenge – the aging population.

With our innovative health technologies, we proudly showed our presence and our dedication to meeting the changing demands of seniors.

The Legrand Care line of NOVO devices garnered positive interest and praise as being one of the most innovative telecare emergency alarm devices.

NOVO is Always on, Always reliable

Novo is a state-of-the-art system

  • Leader for independent living and residential telecare
  • Over one million units installed in Europe
  • Intelligent end-to-end design
  • Enables operators to safeguard residents
  • Modern, compact device and wearables
  • Links to management portal, delivers information
    in real time
  • Operator always in control
  • Globally proven, European made and manufactured
  • Outstanding value for money.

Like to see Novo in action?

Register your details and an Acsess Health consultant will get in touch to make an appointment with you.