In these times of health crisis, it is essential that all retirees and operators have a highly secure emergency call system that allows them to request and receive help immediately.

NEAT by Legrand Care Contactless Activation

NEAT by Legrand Care can be activated remotely, it is not necessary for an installer to visit the resident’s home. The equipment can be dispatched by courier and the only requirement is that the user plugs the equipment into the mains and once this is done, the installer, from a central office, ensures that the system is operational in a matter of minutes. All without possible risk to the resident and village.

The usefulness of technology, today more than ever, is evident.

Supporting Our Most Vulnerable

The current times of health contingency require us to take responsible and rapid action to provide effective responses to the urgent needs of the most vulnerable groups: our retirees and healthcare personnel supporting them.

At Legrand Care, from our position, we will continue to make our contribution by doing what we have known how to do for more than 30 years: offering solutions that help the most fragile and those who need our support the most.

Let us help you reduce the risk of out of date or substandard Emergency Call Systems.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or enquiries you can contact us from the form below, we’d love to hear from you: